NUS Identity


The example below illustrates the positions of the information fields to appear on the complimentary slip.

The example below illustrate the positions of the information fields to appear on the envelopes.



The examples below illustrate the positions of the information fields to appear on the letterhead.

  • Letterhead: Colour
  • Letterhead: Black-and-White
  • Letterhead: Continuation Sheet

Templates for black-and-white (computer-generated) letterhead and the continuation sheet are available on the intranet for downloading by NUS staff. For letters, which are to be photocopied for multiple recipients, please use this black-and-white letterhead.

The colour letterhead has to be printed by the University-appointed stationery printer. In-house printing is not permitted due to inconsistency in ink colours.

We kindly request that you utilise your current supply of letterhead before ordering the new one.


Continuation Sheet

The examples below illustrate the positions of the information fields to appear on the memo sheet.

Please order your stationery from the following term suppliers who have been appointed by NUS. For more information, please visit NUS students need to produce a letter from their Departments/Faculties granting them permission to print their business cards before the appointed printer can proceed with the printing.

For NUS business cards:

T&T Progress Enterprise
Contact Person: Thomas/ Janice
Tel No: 6841 5520
Fax No: 6748 4630
Contract No.: CN-T2021-000596-01
Validity Period: 1 September 2021 To 31 August 2023

For NUS printed letterhead and related items

Visual Publish Pte Ltd
Contact Person: Anson Loh
Tel: +65 90020405 / 6273 2590
Fax: +65 6273 8629
Contract No.: CN-T2021-000596-02
Validity Period: 1 September 2021 To 31 August 2023

For envelopes:

T&T Progress Enterprise
Contact Person: Thomas/ Janice
Tel No: 6841 5520
Fax No: 6748 4630
Contract No.: CN-T2021-000596-01
Validity Period: 1 September 2021 To 31 August 2023